Sunday, October 3, 2010

Arranged Marriage VERSUS Love Marriage

I do believe that arranged and love marriage are sharing both pro and cont. Love marriage is great as the couple would have known each others’ habits, attitudes and characters before getting married where both party could learn when they suppose to be firm and when they should lose themselves at times conflicts occurred. While in arranged marriage, couples will have used the earlier time of marriage get to know each other deeply and love the couple the way they are. Besides, it could reduce some boredom of knowing too much about our couple and have plenty of time to do nothing.

I viewed marriage as some sort of agreement that we made. Even in business agreement we made with some other party, it should consist of win-win situation and should be clear on each condition we agreed. Same goes to marriage. Whether love or arranged marriage, one could not deny the responsibilities we tight with and all the tasks to be succeeded done. Marriage is all about seeking for happy time for both party, wife and husband. Marriage is about being concerned on every single change of our beloved one so that we could solve if the thing is some sort of problems occurred. Marriage should be defined as preparing ourselves in a battle of conflicts but is not supposed to symbolize as war where one will win and one lose. Contradict with the real war, conflict or fight in marriage should brought sense of love and togetherness at the highest level after.

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