Sunday, May 16, 2010

You were there

You were there
Stated the truth on the blackboard
Using the chalk
Hit ignorance at the back
through the stick
We felt the pain
We learn to gain

You inspiring a well-known engineer
a doctor even a glamor singer
Your wisdom giving birth for a new leader
And still
Your courage reborn a warrior
Yes, you were

Thank You Teacher

Happy Teacher's Day

The test of a good teacher is not how many questions he can ask his pupils that they will answer readily, but how many questions he inspires them to ask him which he finds it hard to answer

Alice Wellington Rollins

Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm wondering

I'm wondering
If i could hook the moon
Bring it into the pocket
If i could pick the stars and keep in the blanket
I smiled
and cried at the same time
with the pre-occupied rhyme
My lullabies

Shove me to be dreaming
I'm spooky but fun dreaming

I'm wondering

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I'm already 24 years old last 17th January. To be true. last 24 years i was never celebrating Mother's day for the one and only beloved mom i have, Mrs. Nafisah A. Rahman. It is not that i didn't love her but it was just not a culture in my family, the same goes to my other siblings.

But yes, better late then never. I realized that i should start it. At least just for myself, next time may will be with others. I should lead this celebration by putting it in the family yearly schedule. Indeed, i should.

On the 9th May, after i was completing my dusk prayer in my manly room, and so do mom separately, i went to her room. She is still in the hijab for praying. As usual, with her warming n relaxing face expression, she was sitting there on the sajadah.

I walk closely to her, and spontaneously said, "I have a present for you."

No reaction from her. I sat down in front and grab both of her hands, kissed them. "Happy mother's day." i kinda whispering that line.

My blossomed kiss then moved to her cheeks and forehead. Continuously then, i hugged her and saying the four magic words, "I love you mom." Then i opened the case, separating the gold ring from it and passed it to mom.(I'm so worried that it might not fit any of her fingers :p)I was wrong.It definitely fit her middle finger.

"Thank you very much" she replied with teary eyes.

I felt so blessed.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Life Is About Choosing

Every single
and each thing you found in life
you will decide to still be alive
you must chose between two or more
but still
making choice is an obligation
affected by your passion
designed with determination
of yours and they you love

If you want to be a millionaire
You opt between lie or sincere
if you want to be a prime minister
You choose to become an angel or a monster
even if you want to be yourself
you decide to remain the same or become better

life is not easy
and it's not hard either
that's why we choose to never cross
the border

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

not my expertise

I went to town this afternoon, looking for gold bracelet for my lovely mom. This is so girlish business and not even my expertise (at least not yet until my wedding day). With the budget around RM 200++, I thought i could buy one for her for this upcoming Mother's day. Apparently, i was wrong.

No such gold bracelet around that price but gold ring, yes of course. Then i bought one with the price RM250.00.This is nothing compared to her precious loves towards me all this while.

I love U mom like no one ever did!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

to hate or not to hate

You write there
Like I'm a bunch of liars
Among them
I may or i may not
But the thing you wrote i will never forgot

You say that I'm stupid
I'm idiot, I'm just a shit
I rephrase that to put some beauty on it
But of course
it doesn't matter
You already succeeded
covering my heart fully hatred

Monday, May 3, 2010

3rd day of fasting

This might sound hypocrite yet unbrave. To be true, I'm not fasting as what Muslim does during Ramadhan.Haha. I'm fasting from letting the smokes fulfill my lungs as i am now at my home, wasting by semester break. Doing my semester routine is just so amazing as i got so-called supporting and understanding mom. What ever i do, there would not be any argument on it.

Semester break means sleep, eat and watching tv. (the most thing i love to do)

Unfortunate, as there is no one in my family knows that im a smoker(quite heavy), i could not smoke freely at home. Yes, i intendedly not to let they know my true colour at the campus.haha.

Three days at home and not even one ciggarete be in between my lips. I could not bare to let it constantly happen. This evening, Pantai Batu Buruk (7 minutes from home) will be the right place TO break this fasting. :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

i shouldn't be jealous

Yes, i shouldn't. It was over between me and my TPP. I saw a picture of TPP and him. The one that TPP used to know and build a relationship b4 me. Yes, b4 my existence in TPP's life. Yet, some jealousy is still playing with my emotion but as time goes around, it'll gone.

I was unlucky to know TPP as the first one. TPP already with someone when we intimately know each other. But no, i never regret to be with TPP without being realized by his 1st boyfriend. Was and still TPP's boyfriend. So, i may say that we were having an affair. This is so not right. Besides, TPP's boyfriend is also a fren of mine. I felt like i was so good to be a backstabber.

That's why. On my second thought, after a semester having an affair with TPP. I decided to make an end. Enough said. This is for our own good and happiness we were expecting to have in the future. Some may said that im a looser as the well-known quote stated, "best man win" but I dont give a damn. There are lots of angel out there waiting for me, and i'll be there for my better life. New start and fresh beginning! I'm coming my darling..